
The examples directory in the distribution contain the following examples.

Movie Finder: A simple demonstration of Dependency Injection (DI) techniques using Spring's Inversion of Control (IoC) container.

Application Context: Demonstrates IoC container features such as localization, accessing of ResourceSet objects, and applying resources to object properties.

Aspect Oriented Programming: Demonstrates use of the AOP framework to add additional behavior to your existing object. Examples of programmatic and declarative AOP configuration are shown.

Distributed Computing: A calculator demonstrating remote service abstractions that let you 'export' a plain .NET object (PONO) via .NET Remoting, Web Services, or an EnterpriseService ServiceComponent. Corresponding client side proxies are also demonstrated.

WCF: A calculator demonstrating dependency injection and applying AOIP advice to WCF services.

Web Application - Spring Air: A ticket booking application that demonstrates the ASP.NET framework showing features such as DI for ASP.NET pages, data binding, validation and localization.

Web Development: Introductory examples showing use of dependency injection and Spring's bi-directional data binding in ASP.NET

Data Access: Demonstrates the ADO.NET framework showing how to simplify the use of ADO.NET

Transaction Management: Demonstrates the use of declarative transaction management for both local and distributed transaction in both .NET 1.1 and 2.0.

AJAX : Demonstrates how to access a plain .NET object as a webservice in client side JavaScript

NHibernate Northwind: Demonstrates use of Spring's NHibernate integration to simplify the use of NHibernate. Web tier is also included showing how to use the Open-Session In View approach to session management in the web tier.

Apache ActiveMQ: This quick start application demonstrates how to use asynchronous messaging to implement a system for purchasing a stock.

Microsoft Message Queue: This quick start application demonstrates how to use asynchronous messaging to implement a system for purchasing a stock.

Job Scheduling: This quick start application demonstrates how to declarative create and configure Quartz Jobs, Triggers, and Schedules and how to make a PONO object be invoked by Quartz.


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